Let me tell you a bit of what happened this evening. I went to the first crypto meeting in Burgas and it was a lot more exiting than I thought. Why? Because of this guy and the things he said.

To be honest he really wasn’t the prettiest man ever, but omfg his girlfriend… She was so fucking beautiful. So guys it’s okey. It’s almost all money. If you have a lot of money, there will be girls around you. And until today I really doubted that and I didn’t think that’s true. But the girls from the upper class want money as well. Personality and charisma is not enough. They want to go to vacations, buy expensive bags and have fun. Everyone wants to live that high live you know. But yeah, she’s not important.

It’s really nice meating rich people, their whole mindset is so different and you can learn so much from them about how the world works because most rich people are against todays financial system. In this world in order to become rich you really need to have a lot of knowledge of how the system works. He mainly talked about Bitcoin, his huge mining places, about money and about his companies. Bitcoin is amazing yo. I love it. I’ll write a whole different post just about it. I am telling you, in just a couple of years, as the goverment keeps printing worthless paper and all fiat currencies continue to die, bitcoin will continue to rise. More and more peole will elarn about it and everyone will switch to it because it is the future it is the real best decentralized currency.

One more really important thing I keep seeing in all those people is that their brains work so fucking fast. They just get on the stage and talk and talk and talk and talk for so much time. They speak very correctly and fluently. They have amazing acting skills and they just know their stuff, they really do.

He and his team hold the biggest Bulgarian crypto exchange. It was really interesting to see how this really fucking rich person acts, thinks and looks like. Not beeing the smartest one in the room will always be so beneficial. Meet people smater than you, higher that you, people from who you can learn something. Don’t go out will people who obviously have no future goals and don’t want to achive anything big.

It’s the same pattern as with everything. Just trust the proccess and make small steps every single day. And in a year you’ll be so ahead from everyone else.