Looping through the same shit is fucking scary. Falling into the same old habits is fucking scary. Feeling like every fucking day is the same as the day before is scary. Not having control over your brain is scary. Beeing a slave to cheap fucking preasure is stressing. You realize that some things are just dumb but there are moments when your brain tells you it needs that slice of dopamine.

Cause for sure if you ask me that I think a high-value man is, I would say that he is a couple of things.
First and foremost, it’s an individual who could say no to pleasure. An individual who has discipline. A person who could say no to sex, who could say no to drugs, who could say no to alcohol, who could stay focused on what they need to do no matter what everyone else is doing.
Someone who doesn’t follow the pack.

Trying to be this type of person and failing again and again fucking sucks. Again and again. Feeling like you’re not progressing, instead you’re circling in a loop. Seeing an old friend that has grown so much and is a strong-minded person and you feeling like a dumb fucking kid is depressing.

Falling back to something you’ve been addicted to for years, something you’ve been trying to quit for years but keep failing. It fucking feels like giving up on everything.

Though it is nice to know you’re not alone.

Whatever demons you’re fighting, you are not alone. There are people like you struggling with the same thing.

For me, this is the person who made me realize that.

Talking with him was the nicest thing ever. He made me realize that I’m really not the only one.

Habits are something incredibly powerful. They are like phones - could be a huge distraction and a waste of time, but they could be very very useful.
If you know the Psychology of habits, if you can control what habits you pick to repeat, you’ve mastered your mind.
Imagine you’ve such a strong-minded individual and you achive anything you want to because you don’t give up and have a nice routine. A routine that you have the discipline to follow no matter if you’re ill, if it’s raining or whatever.